Ocean view rentals in Ishigaki island
Please always double check the opening days and hours as they may change. Some restaurants close unexpectedly, especially during off season.

Ishigakiya – 石垣屋 -LUNCH & DINNER- (BBQ style)
The restaurant is a 300 year-old traditional house. You grill the meat by yourself. The place is very famous and the beef quality is high. It’s nice to order a set menu and to share. Apart Ishigaki beef, it’s possible to eat also shrimps. If you can’t eat innards (inside parts of the beef), you can ask for chicken instead. Almost all the menus have innards.
Style: traditional
Reservation: necessary during the season
Check the menu in English on this page:
Address: 547-7 Maesato, Ishigaki
Tel: 0980-82-4400
Ishigaki beef MARU - 石垣牛まる - DINNER- (BBQ style)
Famous Ishigaki beef restaurant in Ishigaki. Spacious and modern restaurant with a particular decoration. Only dinners are available. The staff speaks a little bit English. Reserve is necessary during the season.
Address: 26-4 Tonoshiro, Ishigaki
Tel: 0980-87-9829
Please check opening days calendar
on their web site

Sumiyakiniku Ishidaya Ishigaki - 炭焼肉 石田屋 石垣店 -LUNCH & DINNER- (BBQ style)
Ishigaki beef restaurant where you grill the beef by yourself (yakiniku).
Expensive restaurant but Ishidaya is famous in Japan for the quality of the meat.
Reservation (on line): necessary during the season
Address: 1 Okawa 3F 730 Court Minami kan, Ishigaki
Tel: 0980-87-9882

Toraichi Seinikuten - 虎壱精肉店 -LUNCH & DINNER- (BBQ style)
This is a small Ishigaki beef restaurant & butchery. Yakiniku (bbq style) is only available for dinner. Directly in the restaurant there is a butcher shop where it's possible to buy their Ishigaki beef at a reasonable price. Good value for money. Cosy atmosphere.
Reservation: necessary for dinner.
Address : 204-68 Maezato, Ishigaki
Tel: 0980-87-6029